Friday, February 13, 2009

O Father, Father!!

Once upon a time, Father and son were sitting on the porch. It was a beautiful Sunday morning and the father was enjoying the time with his kid, “Grown up” kid. Suffering from fractional sightlessness, the father’s vision was not able to spot a beautiful kiwi bird sitting on grill of the veranda. Since the father lost his hearing aid a day before, his hearing faculty was not up to the mark. Just when the father heard a faded chirp besides him, he got inquisitive to know about the bird. He asked his son- “My beloved son, please tell me which bird is this”. The son told him that it’s a Kiwi bird. Unable to hear clearly, the father asked again. Again the same reply, with an aggravated tone, “Kiwi Bird”. Cautiously, the father asked the same query. The son lost his temper and screamed, “Father don’t you see, I am doing my work. Why are you irritating me like this? I don’t know about the bird”. The father got up from his chair, and peacefully walked down to his old room. After 30 minutes, the father went to the porch with an old, worn-out book. He sat beside his son and started reading few lines. The old man’s diary read- 21 December 1981- “I have become a father of a healthy 3 kg son. He looks stunning. The feeling cannot be described in words……..” (Rest of it could not be read because it got wiped off by the happy tears of the father). The father flipped few pages and the page dated 21 December 1983 read- “My son is 2 years now. He is the cutest baby. He called me ‘Papa’ today. I felt so contented that I invited all the relatives for a celebration.” The page dated 21 December 1985 read- “Today was my son’s first day to school. He came back with his tiny little bag. Aww.. He is so adorable and charming. He asked me the spelling of LION. My little son did not understand the spelling at the first go. I made him learn the spelling again and again. It was at my 30th effort, that he was able to write LION. Every time my son asked me to spell LION, I got so thrilled; I got so happy that my little darling angel is learning to write his very first word. If he would have asked me this same question 100 times, my happiness would increase with each of his question”

The moment, the father completed reading this line; the son broke down in tears. Afterall, the father had asked just 2 times about the “Kiwi bird”, and the son lost his temper!!
On the other hand, the father was filled with joy when his 4 year old son asked him the spelling of Lion.

Our parents love us a lot. They are the very few people on earth who shower their unconditional and unrestricted love on us. The mother has sacrificed her sleep, so that her child can sleep serenely. She has given up her beautiful sari to buy her “little princess daughter”, her first prom dress. The father would do anything to see his son on top. He is the only male in the world who would want the son to exceed his stature in society.

Why after all this, we leave our parents in old age? Why after so much unconditional love, the son thinks that his father is not intellectual enough to solve his day to day tribulations. The person, who taught you to solve problems in mathematics, is assumed to be a problem in old age. Why it happens that the people who taught you how to walk, become an obstacle in your “run” for wealth, fame and money.

Aren’t we losing out on our treasure, our real treasure, Our Parents?

They have done enough for us, its time for us to repay the gratitude to them. It’s our time to hold their hand and assure them that come what may, we will give them all the happiness possible on earth. Let our vision be for them. Let our eyes be the doorway for them to see the world. Let our ears be totally dedicated to them, to hear the beautiful and magnificent music of life.

Let us all be proud of our parents, for we owe a lot to them!!


  1. wonderful.keep up ur creative spirit.

  2. Parents are very precious. Take care of your parents as much as you can.

  3. Boyeee.... too gud!!
