Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Everyday Patriotism

A great human revolution in just a single individual will help achieve a change in the destiny of a nation and, further, will enable a change in the destiny of all humankind. These words of encouragement by a great person (Dr. Daisaku Ikeda)- who has transformed numerous personal sufferings into brilliant creative energy- are profound and fortifying

Isn’t this a powerful declaration? Indeed it is, at least for me.

There are countless instances, when we assume that how can an individual, transform the fate of a nation. We think that we are excessively powerless and unaided to do anything that would facilitate us to see a dazzling and vibrant nation. As a matter of actuality we have radically underrated our potential.

I have thought about few things that might facilitate us in moving up one rung higher to a great nation.

Clean Country, Vibrant Country: In our every day lives we come crossways with people who treat the roads as a garbage bin. They stray around throwing wastes on the street. Regrettably, majority of us boorishly spew out on the lane. Why do we have to do that? If we keep our home neat and hygienic, why do we mess up our Big Home, Our Nation? If we have a crap plastic bag with us, all we can do is, bowl it in a bin. I am confident that, by doing this we would get enormous satisfaction. There would unquestionably be a sentiment that we have contributed in our own slight approach.

Let the Tranquility triumph: Let’s not be short tempered. Most of us have a tendency to squeal at a person driving frantically. Quite often we misplace our temper on trivial things. We are driven by intense jealousy towards our colleagues, friends and various other people. Without giving a ensuing consideration, we screech at them in a fit of rage. We undoubtedly can’t afford to breathe in an environment of copious hatred and abhorrence. In order to see the country in a serene status, we have to thrust aside the hatred feeling from our hearts.

Stand by the Country: In every relation, nothing is worse than ingratitude. Same holds true for our bond with the country. Whenever, India wins a cricket match or an Olympic Gold Medal, we take pride and brag around. But whenever something grisly happens, when position ourselves as someone who has nothing to do with the prevailing state of affairs. Let us vow to stand with the country in time of crisis. Let’s not just go about complaining on a variety of gaps. Let’s set an illustration of Unity, for the humanity.

Education devoted to the Motherland: Many of us are obsessed with fame and personal profits. In this fixation, we fail to think about our very own country. There are many people who, after carrying out their education, opted to settle overseas and serve other nation. They consider that living in their country would not assist them in any way. They earn for themselves but somehow forget to re pay their gratitude to country. There was one person, who preferred to serve his country after finishing his studies from a premier institute. This real life hero was Shanmugam Manjunath (1978-2005), a marketing manager for the Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) who was murdered for sealing a corrupt petrol station in UP. We can’t let his sacrifice go in drain. Let our profession contribute to the well being of our country.

It is my firm belief that if we bring about these little changes in our everyday lives, there would be a time when everyone would see India as a prosperous, flourishing and a thriving country. That would be the day of our eternal pride, our eternal victory, and our eternal glory.

Lastly, I would not fail to re pay my heartfelt gratitude to my mentor, Sensei Daisaku Ikeda, by sharing with you all, his thought ;

“No matter how harsh the realities or the adversities a society may face, if the people who make up that society are strong, they can become a driving force for a brilliant turnaround, recovery and growth, and succeed in leading society to prosperity”.

1 comment:

  1. Pranav - Your write ups are exceptionally overwhelming. Your editorial exhibits obsession to bring about a revolution in our country by taking personal responsibility for the circumstances we are in rather than blaming others for its occurrence. This light of array for change in a young man like you is an enormous hope for a brighter tomorrow.

    On the other hand, your writing style is astonishing and articles striving towards clear messages. Carry on your waive to chase this dream and enlighten the world! Good Luck.
