Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Mother, The Sister, The Daughter, The Maker

We read many articles, statistics, and research about “how women should be more aware,” or “how a woman’s self-esteem is low,” or “how women turn to men for acceptance and love.”

Instead of talking about “how we should be” why not address “who we are, what we should have, and what we should know”?

In my previous piece of writing, I highlighted something about the security of women in our country. If a woman is being harassed by some roadside raucous individuals, there would not be a single person who would take a step ahead to safeguard her. Rather, we would just position ourselves there and crib about the poor arrangement of our security system. Well, I think its high time. High time we start thinking.

Women are powerhouses. They work full hours while being pregnant, they work 7-8 hours and still manage to have dinner with the family, never fail to wake up early in the morning to make breakfast for her child and send him to school at 7 am in the morning.

Its an epoch of “Women Empowerment”. Taking this forward I would like to site some examples on the power of a Woman.

Neelam Katara, a woman of high integrity and rarely possessed ideology. She fought for her rights. She initiated a tone against the injustice being done to her, her son. She has set an illustration for the whole country. Rather than sitting and crying about her lost son, she determined to wrestle all odds, a war against the judicial organism, fight against the affluent and prominent bit of society. Undeniably, a woman whom I respect from the bottom of my heart. I certainly would not falter to entitle her a “freedom fighter” of my time.

Barkha Dutta, a woman of enormous courage, a woman who never hesitated to cover the truth. Afghanistan? Earthquake? Floods? Riots? Hostage Situation? YES, she was there in her never ending Endeavour to endow the public with the truth.

Indra Nooyi has been named the #1 Most Powerful Business Women in the world in 2006 and 2007 by Fortune magazine. Who knew, a girl from Siddartha Vanasthali High School, Madras would one day become the chairperson and chief executive officer of PepsiCo.

Thought Provoking? Sure it is. As matter of fact, there are many other women who have indisputably whitewashed the male civilization. But sometime, I give a deep consideration on the status of a woman in India. I think that women in diminutive rural community are being ill treated. After all the things they have done, they are considered to be the wearker part of the society. and some questions trouble me a lot. Questions like:

If a woman has scaled indescribable stature in her career, why she is the # 1 nominee to forfeit her professional dream

If an equivalent sum of funds have been invested on the edification of a son and a daughter, why only the daughter is supposed to forgo her aspirations and get married at an early age.

The woman is the maker, the producer, the architect of a new existence, then why is she given a backseat in the social order.

Why can’t a woman walk freely on the street fearless?

Why is it such a big deal if we see a woman smoking on the street?

Aren’t we hypocrites? Are we not discriminating?

In what way are we calling this country, a liberated country? A country where a woman can’t feel safe and sound. We take pride when we talk about the great revolutionaries who brought about a transform, and abolished concepts like Sati. But we still have a constricted outlook. Yes the state of affairs is healthier now, but a lot needs to be done.

Lately our “praiseworthy” Chief Minister affronted the woman society by calling them adventurous. If a woman has to work at extended hours, she is not being adventurous; rather she is contributing to raise her family. She is working for his son to get admission in a premier school; she is helping her husband in running the family. Women are indeed self sacrificing. They constantly put their needs second particularly for their children, spouse, and family members. A mother will put aside a pair of shoes she has been dying to have so that way her child could have what he/she wants. A woman will put aside her career to start a family.

Let the woman of your life have an expensive wineglass and a box of chocolates displayed on her end table, Her own private cave to escape from her everyday hectic life, A luxury bathroom filled with candles, soaps, music, wine, and chocolate.

Its time we give up our two-facedness mentality. The moment is accurate to go back home and tell our mothers and sisters that how much we admire and respect them, how much we appreciate their sacrifices. Tell them that its time for us to repay the gratitude. Let us take a pledge, that come what may, we would not stand numb when we see a girl/woman in trouble. We have to eliminate all reservations which restrict their progress.

Let there be a time, when a woman walks down from a friend’s place to her home at 11 pm and she feels as protected as she would feel in her cozy room.

Amen !


  1. She is the undisputed giver. She shares the same prefix with The Earth , She is "the Mother'. Ever wondered why?
    The Mother Earth allows birth and sustenance of mankind, it allows rivers to flow and flora to bloom similarly a woman can give up on all worldly aspirations to see har family and friends blossom and cherish. she is a catalyst to growth and an epitome of strength.
    its really heartening to see some one acknowledge "HER" with such beautiful words.

  2. Sure, we should respect them; we are obliged to God for giving us mother, sister & wife. Women are surely the support and gratitude to humanity.
    But I want to mention your thoughts of being "hypocrites". Should’nt we all spare a thought on this -- that hypocrites is for women as well. Must be wondering why?
    Just go through the TOI Headline news in Nov, 08:
    A woman who cheats on her husband may land in the dock if the Union home ministry has its way. As men are penalized in same scenario and could led to loss of there property, wealth or even a sentence in jail.
    But women don’t want the same they want freedom to cheat there husbands there was a vehement protests from the National Commission for Women (NCW).
    Not only had this let me share my own experience.
    "I was travelling in bus as u might be aware that there are seat reservations for women and handicapped. A group of four women entered into the bus as they wanted to sit together, the only way to sit together is to ask a blind man sitting on handicap reserve seat to move, although there are other seats available to sit but they ask a blind man to move from there and sit on ladies’ seat so the kind person did the same after few minutes one girl enter in bus and forced that same kind person to vacant the ladies’ seat. So he has to do that. Now he doesn’t have any seat for himself and finally I offered him my seat "
    Reading this u can understand that women today have there own parameters to decide.
    We all should agree on this that “hypocrite” is for men and women both.
    But surely, we should agree that women are on top and they need to be respected.
    But to criticize someone is not the solution. It's a democratic world lets fight for ourselves.

  3. The episode which you have sited is undeniably an unfortunate event. But it needs to be understood, that we are talking about the large populace and not a secluded situation where few imprudent women are being discourteous to a sightless man. And the message of this piece is not to criticize anyone, neither did I made an exertion to jeopardize the male self-esteem. The lone rationale of this is to make each and every individual comprehend that a hypocrite lies within them, which truly needs to be eradicated. It was a cognizant endeavor towards the prejudice prevailing in our existing scenario. As far as solution is concerned, I have highlighted towards the closing stages that we need to swab the reservations which hamper the advancement of women. I agree when you state, that the notion of hypocrisy applies to all but as far as the blame game is concerned, I would stoutly disagree, since the message of this article is something very sterilized and untainted.

  4. I couldn't agree more with you Pranav. Actually to understand this psyche we have to go back in the history. Historically, if u see a women was considered no more than a bearer of child. Man actually was always afraid of women and her capabilty.Therefore , he always wanted women to be kept under his toes and not allow her to raise her voice . This fear was also because she was the bearer of his off springs. So, what man did was that he kept pestering into a woman's mind that man is the head of the family and a women can only look after the family. For that , he kept women out of education for a long time and i feel even till today if u look that between a son and a daughter its only the son who from childhood till he dies gets all the benifits from toys to schools, to college for a girl schooling or max a graduation is enough and for a boy engineering, MBA etc. For a girl, marriage is the end of her bonding for the family and for a guy not only he weeds, he gets dowry if not in cash these days but in kind and the society openely accepts it also without a fuss. Why is the vice versa not valid. Then after marriage a guy staying with his family is aceptable but for a daughter if she stays with her parents then the society raises eyebrow. Even in the will of the family till sometime ago a women had no share in family ancesterial property. Shocking if you ask me. Then even the last rights of a father under no circuimstances can be performed by a girl irrespective wether she has a sibling brother, husband , son,. It has to be doen by a man.What logic god knows. Why because this society says so and who makes the society. Isn't it we the people who make it then why don't we question it. Have we become so conditioned that we just go on doing things in the name of societal norm. Why does this society raise an eyebrow when a women smokes or drinks in public and think it manly when the man does the same thing. How does his charecter become in any manner more or less inferrior than that of a women. Why a women divorcee is looked as a failure in life and why is a widow remarrying still looked down in our society and why is the society sypathetic towards a male widower. Still in our society even moren in our elliete society a girl child is killed right when she is born. Why is the Indian Society has this fascination for a male child even after the family has or had enough number of girls. I have seen enough in my quater life that a girl looks after her fathers family much more than what a son does. The saddest part or the irony is that in our country we worship god as Durga , Laxmi but somewhere we forget that there is a durga and laxmi in each one of our home whom the society kills everyday. Till very recently a women being rapped was considered as a fault of the women and her being adventurous, a girl of no moral. But why didn't this society question the boy who should have been beaten in after he was convictedin public because so that in future no one dares to do anything like this. The worst part is that the women also have been so very much conditioned by the norms of the society that she never questions all this.Sad isn't it.
