Friday, December 26, 2008

The Sensei Within

The Sensei is within us. Sensei is a Japanese Title used to refer or address a “Teacher”. I strongly believe that each one of us has Sensei within us, an educator who trains us to distinguish between the right and wrong. In other terms, Sensei symbolizes our inner consciousness. It is inherent in each human. Quite frequently we turn down the voice of our inner consciousness which results in something ghastly happening to us.

I have been practicing Buddhism, and it teaches that we as human have the potential and competence of achieving the unattainable. The power resides within us. It’s exclusively up to us how and when we plan to unleash the human potential. Nichiren, a 13th century Buddhist reformer, based his teachings on the Lotus Sutra and its core message of the dignity and self respect of all life. According to this sutra, all people possess and can manifest the Buddha nature--an unconstrained, intrinsic life state of freedom which enables them to create value out of any situation. But the big question is, if we have the potential to manifest the Buddha nature, why do we undermine such immense power and leave it unexplored. I leave this query for you to answer.

Quite habitually we leave our cheerfulness and pleasure on the external sources. Our bliss completely depends on the mercy of someone else. Also, we base our frame of mind on the occurrence or non occurrence of something in the environment and this justly makes us very feeble and fragile. This happens because the human race doesn’t scamper on our sugary and sweetened will; neither do people act in response as we would want them to. Sooner or later we would have to recognize the actuality, that only we can decide our level of contentment. That implies that our mind has to be focused, it has to be so stable and unwavering, that the external commentary cannot jeopardize our well being.

The focal point of our mind comes with meditation. Before sleeping we can take out at least 15 minutes and pay attention to what our Sensei (Inner Consciousness) has to teach. Plainly in that little time we would be able to classify, dos and don’ts of the day. We would be able to identify that what things could have been done in an improved way, so that we could organize ourselves for the approaching day. Next day, at the crack of dawn we can spare 5 minutes to sketch the plan for the entire day. I am sure that our teacher would channel us to do the apposite thing, because before each action we take, we get coded by our conscious of what is right or wrong.

Why do we have to penalize or punish ourselves, when we know that hurting oneself is affirmed a sin by the almighty? If we do so, we are challenging the will of God. Keeping oneself blissful and cheerful is the principal virtue. Only the person, who is happy, would be able to keep others happy. So the struggle starts right from our spirit and spreads out to our environment. A spiritual workout should be of chief importance. Working out on a daily basis through meditation makes a person high in spirits and keeps him in accord with the universe.

Let’s commence the day, with high spirits. Lets have a merry smile on our face when we leave our dwelling, before taking any action, lets just take note to what our Sensei has to say, and it would be then, we would be able to see a launch in the “Human Revolution” , our own Human Revolution.

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